Update on U of C Booth L3C event

This is from the Linked In L3C Connect and Marc Lane:

Group: L3C Connect
Subject: Announcement from L3C Connect — U. of C. Seeks Foundations to Invest in Promising Medical and Scientific Research
Many university tech transfer offices are struggling with the funding gap associated with “translational research” that brings “orphan drugs,” medical devices, complex computing solutions, new materials and other technologies to market. While public and private-sector grants fund the initial stages of commercialization, the universities have struggled to secure funding to get to specific becnhmarks where angel or venture capital, or a licensing arrangement with a major company, would be attractive.

Booth Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago is doing something about it. Booth will be hosting a Mission Investment Forum — the first of many, it is hoped — built around the L3C. Students and professors will actively source and screen potential translational research deals coming from the University and other parts of the Chicago community. This same team will select three or four strong deals, conduct further research and then prepare the companies to make a presentation at the Forum. I’ve been asked to provide the educational component.

If you know of a foundation whose management may be interested in participating, particularly a foundation that has previously supported medical or scientific research through grants or investments, please let me know (at 312-372-5000) and I’ll be happy to provide the particulars. This is an extraordinary opportunity.
